Afterlife, Spoon Bending, and All Things Existential with MattBayleyInc.

I had the honor of being interviewed on MattBayleyInc’s podcast. What I had assumed was going to be a one hour interview ended up being over 2 hours and neither of us noticed because we were having such a good time talking.

We talked about everything from String Theory, Time Travel, and the completely batshit moment I bent a spoon. (I don’t think anyone was more surprised than me when I did that.) And the time I was at a workshop where I was the only one in the room who could not bend a spoon. 

I shared about the time I got my first medium reading. And trust me as a sciencey-skeptic, I was expecting nothing more than fraud, cold reading, or someone who was genuine in intention, but delusional and believey. 

Not only did we talk about all things paranormal (for lack of a better word) but we also discussed String Theory and Time Travel. I think one of the things that fascinates both of us is that Time Travel is actually possible. Ok, it’s not exactly practical, or something we could go do tomorrow, or I’m sure most of us would happily go back a few months and have handled this whole #CoronaVirus shit really differently. But the physical laws of the universe actually do allow for it. At least according to Einstein.

We also talked about reincarnation. I wish there was another word, because reincarnation sounds very spirituality, karma-based, and when I talk about it that is not at all what I mean. I follow the data and research of Dr. Jim Tucker and the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, two child psychiatrists and researchers at The University of Virginia who researched kids with memories of past lives. Their research was so thorough that even Carl Sagan stated that he thought Dr. Stevenson was getting interesting results and that his work was worthy of further investigation. JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) also stated Dr. Tucker’s work really did seem to be pointing to cases of kids with previous lives. That does not mean they are drawing that conclusion, but that so far they consider his work and research methods valid.

Overall, I really enjoy these philosophical, combined with sharing some weird things that actually did happen, conversations about the whole meaning of life, is there an afterlife, what is the meaning of consciousness, why are we here etc. I know we can never really know, at least not now, but I think it is fun and fascinating to keep the conversation going. 

If you find these topics interesting, I definitely recommend checking out MattBayleyInc’s Podcast.