Overturning of Roe v. Wade and abortion: When is a fetus / baby first conscious?

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A big question around abortion is, when is a baby / fetus first conscious? Honestly no one knows. The closest we have to evidence on the morality of abortion is neuroscience (no there is no brain upon conception and no nervous system.) The brain seems to develop around 6 weeks, but does that mean there is full consciousness? It is as close to a guarantee that there is no consciousness upon conception that we have of anything. The vast majority of neuroscientists and doctors, the experts in fetal development who actually have the facts and can back it up with peer reviewed evidence (not religious beliefs) on the topic are pro-choice. Some people still would never personally have an abortion and call themselves pro-lifers, but recognize that is based on their beliefs, not facts, and would never force this belief on other women and other people who can get pregnant. There is a group now who call themselves pro-life, but actually should be called “forced birth,” who have a belief based on no evidence, that consciousness exists at the moment of conception, despite the lack of a nervous system and brain. They have succeeded in blocking low-income women and people who can get pregnant only (as middle class and above can travel) from accessing abortion in parts of the United States and other countries such as Mexico.

Now in terms of afterlife evidence, emphasis on evidence, not belief - what is the stance on abortion? While there is not nearly the vast body of evidence that neuroscience has, there is some. In one of his books Dr. Jim Tucker shares two stories of kids who remember being aborted. One was aborted by a very young mother. Later, when this same woman was older and ready to have a child, this same baby came back and was born. She THANKED her mother for waiting until she could be a good parent and was ready. In another, a young woman who was a swim coach to children had had an abortion. One of the little kids she coached, and now was a child to different and very loving parents. remembered having been aborted by the coach. The child loved her parents and had a very special relationship (although she could be a bit annoying and clingy:) to the swim coach. If either of those women had been forced to birth these children, the children would not have had as good of a life.

Dr. Jim Tucker also shares the rare cases of kids with pre-birth memories. In fact in the first abortion case, the girl remembers watching and deciding to come back since her mom was now ready. In other cases the kids hover around the parents when the mother is pregnant and choose to come into a certain fetus. There is a case of a boy who remembers the week he was conceived (although luckily not the things none of us want to think about in relation to our parents - YUCK!). He shared details of his parents trip to Hawaii and romantic vacation. He watched them, knew they were planning to get pregnant and chose those parents. Psychic mediums also share that we choose our parents.

So there is no proof of when consciousness develops. There is string evidence, and people have a right to hold whatever personal belief they want. They do not however, have a right to force those beliefs on another. Many forced-birthers claim that people are aborting babies they no longer want to carry after 6, 7, 8 months, So for anyone who states that abortions occur at 7 months/8 months - no. No they don’t. Not the way you claim at least. No one aborts a baby that far along by choice. Stop making light of people’s grief for your agenda. Pete Buttigieg explains the grief of late-term termination better than anyone.

Looking for an abortion: Women on Waves | Women on Web | Aid Access | Plan C Pills | Whole Woman’s Health | Abortion Funds |


Skeptical Questions for a Psychic Medium: Psychic Medium Rebecca Anne LoCicero on Instagram Live