The Best Evidence of an Afterlife with Simon Bown, Host of the Past Lives Podcast. Episode 50
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Guest: Simon Bown. Host of the Past Lives Podcast and The Alien UFO Podcast. Past-life Regression Hypnotherapist.
What are the most evidential cases of kids with past life memories? And what are some verified and researched cases of past life regression therapy? What are some amazing psychic experiences Simon Bown has experienced?
Simon Bown is the host of The Past Lives Podcast. He has a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is certified in Past Life Regression Therapy. He specialises in taking people through past life regressions and has conducted a large number of sessions.
He has had many paranormal experiences including psychic flashes, UFO sightings and a number of strange events not easily explained. These have proved to me that there is something more to us than flesh and blood and that we are energetic beings working through a cycle of reincarnation with the aim of experiencing everything there is to be experienced as a human being.
He has had three remarkable incidences of feathers showing up in an unexpected and profound way while discussing angels with mediums.
He took part in his first past life regression in 1987 at the College of Psychic Studies in London. The thoughts and feelings he experienced have stayed with him to this day. Since then he has viewed several other past lives through hypnotic regression. They have never failed to provoke intense feelings and give him great insight into his life today.
He has produced over 250 podcast episodes. Each one is an hour long interview with a researcher or someone who has had an amazing experience. Almost all of the guests have written a book and in preparation for each episode Simon reads the guest's book to give him the knowledge to ask in depth questions. Combining the information and insight gained from the interviews and the books has given him a detailed overview of the concepts of Reincarnation, Near Death Experiences and the continuation of consciousness.
Podcast guests include Dr Raymond Moody, Dr Eben Alexander, Whitley Strieber, Dr Bruce Greyson, Dr Christopher Kerr, Dr Jim Tucker and Leslie Kean.
The Past Lives Podcast has achieved over 2,000,000 downloads, is in the top 0.5% of podcasts worldwide and recently went to No.1 in the UK Apple podcasts spirituality chart and was No.5 in the USA.
"When I am not working I have many interests. I have been playing bass guitar for over 40 years which I find to be tremendous fun. I also have a hobby of writing science fiction."
Follow Simon Bown: Website | Patreon | Past Lives Podcast (Apple) | Past Lives Podcast (Spotify) | The Alien UFO Podcast (Apple) | The Alien UFO Podcast (Spotify) * and on all apps
Photos from “Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect” by Dr. Ian Stevenson
In this episode:
- How did Simon get into podcasting and interested in afterlife evidence
- He conducts past life regression hypnosis
- He has had fascinating and inexplicable personal experiences
- His podcast The Past Lives podcast is all about afterlife evidence. Not only past lives. He also has a podcast on UFOs
- What are the most fascinating things he has learned?
- Physical mediumship. Stewart Alexander and Kai Muegge
- Dr. Ian Stevenson and the birthmark cases that correspond to memory of a past-life death
- Do the spirit world ever make mistakes?
- People get healed (physically and emotionally)during past life regressions.
- Evidential past life regressions
- Are people making up their past life regression stories or are they really from a past life?
- Simon has had psychic experiences
- Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and how people sense they are being started at
and more...
Notes and Resources:
Carol Bowman
The College of Psychic Studies
DOPS: Division of Perceptual Studies
Dr. Daryl J. Bem|
Dean Radin, PhD
Erlendur Haraldsson
Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect
Dr. Ian Stevenson
- Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect
James Leininger
James G. (Jim) Matlock, Ph.D.
Dr. Jim Tucker
Kai Muegge
Leslie Kean
Martin Caidin
Robert Snow
- Portrait of a Past Life Skeptic (book)
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
- The Sense of Being Stared At
Stewart Alexander
Surviving Death Book
Surviving Death Netflix
Dr. Yvonne Kason
WONGO Puzzles
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