"Prove to me There is an Afterlife!" + Voices that Saved Lives. Episode 28
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“Prove to me there is an afterlife.”
That was what Krista asked her ex, who had recently passed away. A few weeks later, after she had forgotten she had even made that request, Krista got one of the most inexplicable and highly evidential signs. Liz considers it one of the best signs from the other side that she has ever heard of! Krista also heard a voice, very rarely, and when she did it saved her life and another time her dog’s life. Listen to some astounding experiences that add to the “proof” of an afterlife, that a “normal” non-medium inexplicably had at some very crucial moments.
What we talk about in this episode:
- The most astonishing communication or sign her deceased ex sent to her when Krista asked
- Krista was always fairly skeptical and never thought much about afterlife or spirituality.
- She would annoy the teacher by asking logical questions when families took her to church and religious classes as a kid.
- She definitely did not expect what happened when "paranormal" things occurred as an adult
- The first thing that happened was a "glitch" in a photo predicted a death
- Later her phone and electronics kept behaving weirdly and turning on and off at 11:11 or 1:11. She has no idea that number meant anything spiritual. She googled why this kept happening at a specific time.
- She heard a "voice" strongly in her head three times. One time it saved her dog’s life, One time her life. A third time it “told her” the name of a family friend who Krista did not know that well. But it turned out there was a reason
... and more
Religion and afterlife are not the same
Krista was always skeptical and logical. When she was a kid, a few families took her to church to help her cope with the fact that her mother was very sick. However, Krista was too logical and ended up “annoying” the teachers by asking very logical questions. While she does think there are good messages in religion, she just did not relate to it. Krista states that it is a misconception among so may people that you need to have a religion to think there is an afterlife. The two are not the same.
Grief from Losing her Dog
So being so “logical” when did she first become motivated to investigate afterlife evidence? In 2010 her dog died, and she was devastated. People don’t usually understand how devastating it is to lose a pet. And it was sudden which made it even harder. What was so weird, was a few days before he died, he went and lay down on a pair of her jeans that were on the floor, but when she looked he had not shown up in the photo. The camera acted really weird, and she tried to take another photo, but he did not show up in it. That was the only time this had ever happened. Later on it got ever weirder when she showed this photo with no dog in it to some friends who were mediums She became a bit curious after that.
Photo where the dog didn’t show up
Voices and guides send warnings from the other side
Krista continued to have a few more remarkable experiences. There were a few times she heard a “voice” strongly in her head. She was not prone to just “hearing” voices. Two times those voices served as warnings which one time ended up saving her other dog’s life and another time, her life. The third time she heard this voice it stated a name. It turned out to be the name of a person (a family friend) who just passed away - unexpectedly. She was not close with this person. She rarely thought about her. There was no reason this “voice” would be saying this woman’s name so strongly in Krista’s head.
Krista could not explain who this voice was or where it was coming from. The voice was neither male nor female, but it was strong and very clear. “It wasn't my own voice. And it was not my own thought I did not create this thought. And I don't know how any other way to put it.”
“If there is an afterlife, prove it to me.”
When Krista ran into an ex partner she hadn't seen in years, she learned this woman was very sick. When Krista learned she passed, she was devastated. She reached out and “told” her ex, “If there is an afterlife, prove nit to me.” She “told”this woman that she wanted substantial evidence. Nothing like butterflies or coins. And wow!
This woman really came through, providing one of the strongest examples and arguments that there really is life after death that could be.
Other inexplicable things happened, such as electronics that behaved oddly, turning off and on at a significant and consistent time and playing songs on her playlist 11:11 and 1:11. Interestingly, Krista had no idea that 1:11 and 11:11 are considered significant numbers in spirituality. When she googled if they meant anything, noticing the consistency of the time, she was pretty amazed to learn 11:11 and 1:11 are considered numbers of synchronicity and that os when a spirit or deceased loved one is around. There is no actual research on this number, and the whole science of spirituality world considers it more of a superstition, but nevertheless, this was worth noting.
After Krista reached out to her, Liz shared a significant date with her to see if there was any overlap. Liz has noticed a really unexpected overlap with this date and people she has met in the “afterlife” research world. Krista said she would have to check, but then realized one of the weirdness electric glitches that she noted and planned to discuss on the podcast occurred at that date.
Extraordinary experiences and communications with spirits
Ordinary people having extraordinary experiences. Part of this podcasts series will be ordinary people: extraordinary experiences. Krista is not a psychic medium. She does not have “abilities”. What Liz has come to notice are so many people who do not consider themselves of having any special abilities, herself included, have now and then had these experiences that seem to be paranormal, psychic, inexplicable.
While it could make sense that people like Liz, who are studying these psychic abilities and afterlife evidence would have their own odd experiences now and then, many people who have nothing to do with this world seem to have had at least one unexplainable experience, if not more. Does this mean this is part of our normal human abilities? Follow more of the “personal experiences” episodes
Notes and Resources:
Meaning of 11:11
Dr. Eben Alexander
Abortion Access: Learn what consciousness and science has to say about the ethics of abortion. If you are looking for an abortion and live in a place where it is now illegal, this list of places can help.
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