A left-brained accountant and afterlife evidence. Author of "Your Soul Focus" Annette Marinaccio. Part 1: Episode 15

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Annette Marinaccio, a left brained accountant, is the author of “Your Soul Focus: You Believe in the Afterlife, Don’t You?. She talks with Liz about how she came to logically think there was an afterlife. First after her mother-in-laws passing, her daughter shared what she thought to be an amazing sign from her grandmother (Annette’s recently passed mother-in-law). Initially Annette thought her daughter was having such a hard time coping with the loss of her grandmother that she was hallucinating. But when her pre-teen daughter took her through what happened and how, yes she had considered logical explanations, Annette was curious. Annette shared with a friend who was not shocked and responded, “You believe in the afterlife, don’t you?” Her friend then shared about her own experiences including with a psychic medium.

When a series of synchronicities ended Annette in a group reading with this same medium, this medium knew things she could not possibly have known, Annette is beyond intrigued. She hares the amazing information this medium and then later another knew, and how some of the information which Annette did not recognize later was verified. Even her father was astounded when she shared what happened with him. Years later, after writing her own book on the topic of an afterlife, Annette, who does not have psychic medium abilities herself, even had a few amazing experiences where it seemed someone’s mother who had recently passed away made sure Annette let her grieving daughter know she was still around. Annette (and Liz) both are two people who do not want to take anything on faith or belief, and what Annette shares is truly amazing, evidential, verified, and inexplicable by material science.

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Your Soul Focus: You Believe in the Afterlife, Don’t You?

Annette Marinaccio, who is a left brained accountant, spent years learning about and experiencing evidence of an afterlife. She wrote a book that shares her journey of how she came to think there really is an afterlife. This is all based on evidence and logic, not on wishful thinning or belief. This was something she had never considered before the passing of her mother-in-law. When she shared with her friend about some inexplicable things that happened, leaving Annette baffled, shortly after her mother-in-law’s passing, her friend was not at all surprised. She replied, “You believe in an afterlife, don’t you?” Annette was take aback by her friend’s response. She had no idea this friend ever thought there was an afterlife. She became intrigued.

Signs from the Other Side.

Directly after her mother-in-law’s passing, Annette’s daughter came home from school. She told her mom that her grandmother (Annette’s mother-in-law) had given her a sign that day to show she was still around. Annette at first worried her daughter was having such a hard time with her grandmother’s death that she was hallucinating. But when her daughter explained exactly what happened and how she had wondered and eliminated all the logical ways it could have happened, Annette was intrigued. When her daughter showed her the physical sign her grandmother had seemingly manifested, Annette became even more baffled.

As Annette’s mother-in-law kept doing more and more to show she was around, Annette had to learn more.

“I'm married with two kids, two children, two adult children now. But so I was very busy with all that and had not really thought about the afterlife until my mother in law died, which was in 2006. And after she died, she was very intent on proving to me that she was actually still here. And so once I started, I guess, accepting and understanding the signs and synchronicities that she was sending my way, then I became absolutely engrossed and fascinated and almost obsessed with it, and needed to really understand basically, if life goes on, then what exactly are we doing here? So I spent, like, I would say, three years, four years, just researching everything I could metaphysical."

Evidential and accurate psychic medium readings.

When Annette’s friend shared that she often went to a psychic medium, Annette was curious. A inch of unexpected synchronicities and coincidences lead Annette to unexpectedly find this same medium. Impressed by the coincidence, she joined a group reading with this medium. That night Annette shares how the medium opened her mind up to the possibility that we actually do survive death. She played over all the logical ways this medium could have known what she did, but could not explain it.

“I just kept thinking through all the possibilities. And again, I went into it thinking that it would be a little bit almost like a magic show. So I I was shocked. But my mother in law was very insistent, and to the point where I didn't raise my hand and she came back again. So that I tribute to my mother in law sort of opening my eyes to this. But when I drove home that evening, which was relatively late, it was a Sunday evening, April 2007, I woke my husband up, and I was like, ‘You're never going to believe this.’ And I went through everything.”

Annette later went to a different group medium reading. Once again the medium seemingly defied the laws of the universe. He got almost everything right. Except there was one thing that Annette did not understand, even though the medium kept insisting it was true. Later when Annette shared the reading with her father, he completely understood this very specific piece of information. Both she and her father were astounded. When her father asked her what this meant, Annette had to admit she had no idea.

Books about the Afterlife

In 2021, after being engrossed in the evidence of an afterlife for years, Annette wrote a book to share how she, as a logical-minded accountant came to the conclusion that we do survive death. Annette does not have any psychic medium abilities herself. However many people who have delved into afterlife evidence notice that they all have their own inexplicable experiences at times. There was this one time where Annette can only guess a woman’s mother who had passed away was so desperate to let her daughter know she was okay, that she managed to somehow “reach out” to Annette and give a message to her daughter. Annette barely knew this woman and did not know why she felt drawn to do a favor for this woman. However, as soon as she spoke with this woman she was stunned to put two and two together and realize this woman’s mom who had passed away was most likely behind this.

Listen to this fascinating episode to hear factual and evidential things that happened which made a logical left brainer conclude there is an afterlife.


Afterlife Evidence and a Logical Accountant. Author of "Your Soul Focus" Annette Marinaccio. Part 2: Episode 16


The Blue Lady of The Moss Beach Distillery. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach. Part 2: Episode 14