Afterlife Evidence and a Logical Accountant. Author of "Your Soul Focus" Annette Marinaccio. Part 2: Episode 16

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Annette Marinaccio, a left brained accountant, author of “Your Soul Focus: You Believe in the Afterlife, Don’t You?., continues sharing what evidence convinced her that there was an afterlife. Annette explains how further psychic medium readings helped sway her. She even took her parents to a group reading given by one of these psychic mediums. Her father left unable to explain exactly what was going on, but convinced that there was something. But as humans in this dimension, it’s impossible to understand other dimensions. Liz compares this to infinity. We humans can’t really understand the concept. But maybe we aren’t supposed to? Would our lives be ruined if we knew too much? Maybe we wouldn’t be able to complete what we came here to do. Or maybe we wouldn’t be able to enjoy this life if we had too much perspective? The two also discuss the relativity of time, how we experience that here and how supposedly time is experienced very differently on The Other Side. Annette has some theories as to why. Overall Annette wants to make sure we all understand the evidence of an afterlife is massive and learning about it has changed her in very profound ways.

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Psychic Medium readings giving string evidence of an afterlife.

Annette took her parents to a group reading with psychic medium Robert Hansen. When her uncle, her father’s brother came through very strongly, her father was amazed. The two of them had always been very close and he missed his brother a lot. “Maybe my uncle was trying to come through and say hello to my father. But the bottom line is, it opened my father up to wow, something is something else is going on here. I can't believe that you're, you're saying this to me, the same way I couldn't believe the security guards had just, you know, I was just like, I can't believe that. I'm saying this to you either that I really can't see.”

What is our purpose in this life on earth?

Our experiences here on earth and ability to understand beyond them are limited. We can’t really understand infinity. We can’t understand other dimensions. Annette thinks we are not supposed to know. If we know too much it will interfere with our purpose on earth. She thinks we each did come here to achieve a purpose. Annette also brings up Einstein and time relativity. We all experience time as very relative, even when we are here. Sometimes it moves quickly and other times slowly, but it is not consistent. Also when we are on The Other Side, as so many mediums and people who have had near death experiences explain, time moves really differently than here on earth. Annette has a theory which she writes about in her book as to why. She explains this theory too in the podcast episode.

Perspective after death

We all gain perspective after we die. Annette explains that it is similar to an adult and a child here. What a small child considers devastating, very often is not. Such as not being allowed to have a candy bar for breakfast. That is similar to how those who have passed away and watch over us perceive everything that is so hard for us here. While this life can be so hard, we will all have perspective on it one day.

But if we had too much perspective while in this life, our life would lose meaning. The same way a child could not enjoy childhood if they had the knowledge or mentality of an adult. Too much perspective and knowledge could also be distracting. For example, if we all remembered our past lives we couldn’t focus on our life here.

Past life memories

The few kids who do clearly remember them have a very hard time and suffer a lot. But is there a reason for that? Are they supposed to remember these lives or is it a fluke? Do some people come here to suffer but help others? For example Vincent Van Gogh had a really tough life, but he left a legacy and created beauty that still brings people joy today.

One of the kids James Leininger, who strongly remembered a past life when he was little suffered so much. But he gave such strong evidence that we do live other lives. He was studied by Dr. Jim Tucker at University of Virginia. So he gave people substantial scientific information about life after death and that death is not the end.

Annette never had any past life memories but Liz now wonders if she did. There was this one thing from her childhood that never made sense. When she first learned about the valid evidence of past life memories and the work of Drs. Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker, she wonders if this was part of a past life memory.

They also discuss past life regressions. Liz had tried one and while she cannot call it evidential or verifiable, it was very interesting.

Studying afterlife, near death experiences and spirituality profoundly changes people.

It seems whenever people start delving into the afterlife evidence or have an intense experience themselves such as an NDE, they change in very deep ways. How has Annette’s life changed? She shares the ways she and her life have definitely been transformed by all of this. Most of all she wants people to know there is very valid evidence of an afterlife.

“I think there are so many mind blowing things. So I have answered a lot of them. But what I do like to say, say to people, because I think it's it's important, is if there's one thing that people should try to one thing that I learned when I learned about this afterlife is if there's one thing that people should try to sort of take to heart and do in their life, it's to drop the feeling, I'll say, associated with the word compare. Because I think that that word compare really stops people from living the best life they can live.“


Near Death Experiences - NDE's with Dr. Jan Holden Episode 17


A left-brained accountant and afterlife evidence. Author of "Your Soul Focus" Annette Marinaccio. Part 1: Episode 15