Verified Near Death Experiences: Proof Of An Afterlife - Simon Bown Episode 129
In Verified Near Death Experiences: Proof Of An Afterlife, there are thirty near-death experiences with irrefutable moments of verification that challenge our understanding of life, death, and the afterlife. These are stories backed by verifiable facts that couldn’t have been known in any ordinary way.
AFTER DEATH with Director Stephen Gray Episode 128
Stephen Gray is a multidisciplinary filmmaker based out of Winnipeg, Canada. His latest documentary, After Death, explores one of life's biggest mysteries - "what happens when we die?" with New York Times bestselling authors, doctors, scientists, and survivors.
Transformed Worldview through Near Death Experience Stories - “BEYOND” with Heather Tesch Episode 127
Heather Tesch is the host of “BEYOND with Heather Tesch”, a podcast that examines near-death experiences and other spiritually transformative experiences. She has always been deeply intrigued by Near Death Experiences and Spirituality.
Her Life was Saved by a Near Death Experience with Betty Guadagno Episode 126
Betty Guadagno’s life took a profound turn from trauma, navigating drug addiction, prostitution, and the tragic loss of both her parents to suicide, following a near-death-like experience from a drug overdose. Now she’s a transformation coach, podcast host and NYC local group leader for IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies).
"Peace on Both Sides of the Gate" with James Bonato Episode 125
James Bonato is a documentary film maker who created "Peace on Both Sides of the Gate" which shares the personal stories of a selection of people who have experienced NDEs.
Researching 2500 Near-Death Experience Cases with Lynn K. Russell Episode 122
Lynn K. Russell is author of Beyond NDEs, The Next Step in Near-Death Experience Research. She researched about 2500 cases of Near Death Experiences for Dr. Jeffery Long’s book, Evidence of the Afterlife.
NDEs and Spirituality with Dr. Jim Roach, Holistic Doctor - Episode 117
Dr. Roach is a leading innovator, author, national speaker and advocate in integrative, functional, holistic health. As well as healing his patients, he also educates them about NDEs/Near Death Experiences.
Seeing Who People Really Are After a Near Death Experience with Bridget Cook-Burch aka "The Book Whisperer" Episode 104
Bridget Cook-Burch's life was transformed after a Near Death Experience in her 20's. She became inspired to help others share their stories of transformation. She is able to see the good and humanity in everyone, even those who some might consider "evil."
"Impressions of Near-Death Experiences" with Robert Christophor Coppes, PhD Episode 103
Robert Christophor Coppes, PhD, a scientist and retired financier, has studied NDEs for decades and has lectured on this topic. His latest book on NDEs , “Impressions of Near-Death Experiences” is a compilation of hundreds of quotes from experiencers.
What Happens When We Die with Johanna J. Lunn Episode 102
Johanna J. Lunn is the founder of the When You Die Project, which seeks to foster good conversations around death by de-mystifying the dying process and reducing our fear of death through knowledge. She created a documentary series on this topic.
Verified Near Death Experiences with Researcher John Mathis, BA, RN, (Part 2) Episode 100
John Mathis, BA, RN has had some fascinating and verified Near Death Experiences (more than one) and amazing Out of Body and Remote Viewing Experiences. Some were verified and some were transformative. These experiences motivated him to delve in and research NDEs.
Near Death Experiencer + Researcher John Mathis, BA, RN, Episode 99
John Mathis, BA, RN has had some fascinating and verified Near Death Experiences (more than one) and amazing Out of Body and Remote Viewing Experiences. Some were verified and some were transformative. These experiences motivated him to delve in and research NDEs.
Transformed by a Near Death Experience, Founder of Hawaii IANDS Shaun Lether (Part 2) Episode 97
Shaun Lether, now the head of Hawaii IANDS International Association for Near Death Studies) spent months in the ICU recovering. After dying, and coming back, he went in and out of his body, some verified, getting help from The Other Side as he healed.
Transformed by a Near Death Experience, Founder of Hawaii IANDS Shaun Lether (Part 1) Episode 96
Shaun Lether, now the head of Hawaii IANDS International Association for Near Death Studies) spent months in the ICU recovering. After dying, and coming back, he went in and out of his body, some verified, getting help from The Other Side as he healed.
Math Explains Life After Death with Mathematician Sky Waterpeace, MA (Part 2) Episode 95
Sky Waterpeace died and came back. Twice. He was a militant atheist who assumed when you die you die. After glimpsing what happens after we die, he’s changed his mind. As a mathematician, he is figuring out how math ties into life after death.
An Atheist Mathematician Dies Twice (and Comes Back) - Sky Waterpeace, MA (Part 1) Episode 94
Sky Waterpeace died and came back. Twice. He was a militant atheist who assumed when you die you die. After glimpsing what happens after we die, he’s changed his mind. As a mathematician, he is figuring out how math ties into life after death.
Downloading Code from The Other Side with Near Death Experiencer Brianna Lafferty Episode 93
Brianna Lafferty died and came back. While on The Other Side she not only had a lot of fun, and was still herself, she also learned a lot about the mysteries of the universe, such as downloading code with information from The Other Side.
"Six Minutes in Eternity" and Other Dimensions with Philip Hasheider Episode 92
Philip Hasheider was clinically dead for six minutes. He did not expect to have a heart attack. And even more did not expect to find himself in a completely different dimension for what felt like centuries - which turned out to be only six minutes once they resuscitated him.
Near Death Experiencer Returns to Grief + Healing with Jeffrey C. Olsen Episode 89
Jeff Olsen had a Near Death Experience in an accident that took the life of his wife and young son. Healing from the grief is a lifelong process, but having gone to The Other Side (and still having OBE’s where he visits) has helped get him through some dark days. He shares his experiences to help others in their worst times.
Knowing Her Kids' Future with Near Death Experiencer (NDE)r and IANDS Board Member Angela Harris Episode 87
Angela Harris is a multiple near-death experiencer who has been Director of IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies) Groups and Events who has had spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) since she was a child.. She also serves on the IANDS Board of Directors.