The Experience, History and Research of Mediumship with Gabriel Sereni Episode 124
Gabriel Sereni is a psychic medium who is also dedicated to the research and history of mediumship and psi phenomena. He is an experienced intuitive coach, medium, healer, and teacher with over 20 years of experience in the transformation space.
Water Mediumship with Psychologist Annette Childs, PhD Episode 123
Annette Childs Ph.D is a psychologist, uthor of four award-winning books and the critically acclaimed Caregiver Education Program Living with Dying… Dr. Childs has created Rx for the Soul®, a unique form of insight-based therapy that melds the intuitive arts with education on quantum entanglement and the afterlife sciences.
Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan Episode 121
Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can communicate with spirits both alive and dead, scan animals, access people’s past lives, and she can tell how close to death someone is.
“Till Death Don’t Us Part” with Karen Frances McCarthy PhD CSNU Episode 115
Dr Karen Frances McCarthy is a respected medium, scholar, and author of Till Death Don’t Us Part (White Crow Books, 2020) who has a deep interest in the intersections of literature, spirituality, and culture. She holds a PhD in host literature, which enhances her mediumship.
The Paranormal Specialist with Anna Schmidt Episode 114
Anna Schmidt is a Paranormal Specialist who in specializes in professional paranormal house and property healing. Meaning she cleans the negative energies out of their homes. She is host of the podcast Perfectly Paranormal.
Solving Crimes with Forensic Medium Sheila Marie Episode 101
Sheila Marie is a Forensic Medium who has made a significant impact in the field of criminal investigations. She has collaborated with the FBI and law enforcement agencies helping solve missing person cases and criminal investigations. Today, she is credited with resolving over 400 high-profile criminal cases.
Communication + Laughter with her Son on The Other Side with Psychic Medium Sarina Baptista Episode 98
Sarina Baptista is a psychic medium who developed her abilities after the passing of her son J.T. She began to get information from other people’s loved ones and now she speaks regularly with J.T. She is also an Award-Winning Author, International Speaker, Spiritual Teacher.
Shared Death Experience + Giving Gifts from Her Dad on The Otherside with Amber Kasic Episode 90
Amber Kasic was astounded when she had a Shared Death Experience (SDE) with her dad when he passed. That was just the start. He began to communicate with her regularly giving her messages that were verified. Through this communication, she ended up discovering her own psychic medium abilities.
Google + Facial Recognition Technology: What Can Mediums Know? with Amber Hadley Episode 86
Amber Hadley is a psychic medium who also works in marketing and therefore knows all the ways and extent to which people (such as fraudulent mediums) can and can’t use technology to get information on a person. She is also host of the podcast The Psychic Apprentice.
The Atheist + The Afterlife with Ray Catania Episode 84
Ray Catania is a logical atheist, who now thinks there is an afterlife. After he experienced an NDE, and later got verified information from his friend's dead husband, he could no longer deny “something" was happening.
Researcher + Evidential Medium Jock Brocas Episode 83
Jock Brocas is a paranormal + grief researcher, as well as an evidential medium. He has a podcast and books on the afterlifel as well as on grief. He’s the founder of ‘Paranormal Daily News.’ He is skeptical of his abilities and researched them thoroughly.
Psychic Medium Kim Russo Talks Evidence + Science Episode 82
Psychic Medium Kim Russo has been verified and certified as evidential and accurate by the Forever Family Foundation and The Windbidge Institute. She loves science and is very curious about researching and testing her abilties. She is an author and host of "The Haunting Of..." and "Psychic Intervention."
Psychic Medium + Akashic Records Consultant Zee Mendez Episode 74
Suey (Zee) is an an intuitive clairaudient psychic medium who also works with the Akashic Records. They began to feel energies strongly when they became pregnant and had to explore further. They had some remarkable and verifiable experiences.
Scientifically Researched Psychic Medium Gail Hayssen Episode 69
Gail Hayssen is a psychic medium and remote viewer who has been a subject and contributor to scientists in the paranormal and psi-research field. She has worked with top researchers in parapsychology such as Dr. Dean Radin and Dr. Russell Targ.
Evidence + Signs with Psychic Medium Travis Holp Episode 66
Travis Holp is a psychic medium with a large following on IG + TikTok @TravisWarriorUnicorn. He also hosts the podcast “Psychic Happy Hour Podcast.” He is passionate about helping others and connecting people with their loved ones and their purpose.
Meeting People Out of Body and Other Evidence with Psychic Medium Emrie Oliver. Episode 61
Psychic Medium Emrie Oliver used to work in STEM and demands very strong evidence and verification during her psychic medium readings. She also Astral Travels (has Out of Body Experiences) where she also insists upon evidence. The evidence she has gotten is remarkable, including meeting other people while she was astral traveling, which was later confirmed.
Yale University COPE Project Co-director, Psychic Medium + Therapist Brittany Quagan, M.S., LPC Episode 59
Brittany Quagan, M.S., LPC is a therapist, reiki practitioner, and a psychic medium. She was also Co-director, working with neuroscientist Dr. Al Powers on the Yale University COPE Project. The Yale University COPE Project researched people who reported hearing voices in various forms. They also took an open-minded approach to mediumship. Brittany Quagan is in a unique position as both a psychic medium and a therapist to help end the stigma that the mental health field often has of psychic mediums.
Discovering her Intuitive Abilities Through her Husband on the Other Side with Lenore Matthew, Ph.D., MSW Episode 57
Dr. Lenore Matthew never considered herself a psychic medium until she began to get communication from her husband who unexpectedly took his own life. The messages he gave her proved accurate. Her abilities continued to develop as she unexpectedly got evidential messages for other people. Today, Dr. Matthew focuses on integrating psychic mediumship into mental health care, demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of mediumship for trauma and grief
Listening to Your Intuition, and Empowering Women with Intuitive Medium Molly MacCartney Episode 55
Molly MacCartney is an Intuitive Medium, who helps women overcome obstacles and learn to tap into their intuition. She uses her psychic medium abilities combined with intuition to help women thrive. How can we all connect to our own intuition, loved ones who have passed, and higher selves.
Spirituality for Skeptics: How Evidence of the Afterlife Gives Us Tangible Hope - Bonus Episode from Live Event for Dr. Lenore Matthew's YouTube Channel
This episode is from a live event I did with Dr. Lenore Matthew for her YouTube Channel. How Evidence of the Afterlife Gives Us Tangible Hope on Dr. Lenore Matthew's YouTube Channel .... Join Liz and Lenore, two analytical former skeptics, for a discussion on evidence of the afterlife and how it gives us hope after loss.