Did Joe Predict 9/11? Psychic Medium Joe Perreta. Part 1: Episode 1

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Psychic Medium Joe Perreta making predictions and giving evidence that we survive bodily death.

Interview with Psychic Medium Joe Perreta, who has passed science-based testing to verify his abilities. He talks with Liz about some bat shit experiences including predicting 9/11 in a dream when he was 12 years old. He shares how he questions his own abilities, some of the scientists he is fascinated by, and some mind-blowing readings he has given that helped him feel confident something genuine was going on. He also discusses how a book he read, a dream, and another medium all came together to make him decide to pursue being a medium in the first place.

Joe is certified by the Forever Family Foundation and participates in scientific research and studies conducted by major universities. (details to release once the studies are completed)

www.joeperreta.com | Instagram

Skeptical questions asked of psychic mediums.

In the very first episode of WTF Just Happened?! Liz talks with psychic medium Joe Perreta. Liz talks about how when they first met, she bombarded Joe with piles of skeptical questions, which he patiently answered. One of those questions was, what is consciousness. If we do survive death, where is our consciousness when we die, and what is it made of? While Joe is of course not able to answer that, they do get into an interesting philosophical discussion on what consciousness actually could be and how we, in the material world, can’t really understand other dimensions. 

Do psychic mediums just google you?

They discuss how skeptical Liz is, and was, especially when the two first met. Liz wonders if others hide their identity the way she does, when they get readings with Joe. While he does not think most do, they do get into a discussion and share good ways to assure you hide your identity and prevent the medium from googling you. 

Do psychic mediums predict 9/11 and other tragedies?

Both are not “belief based” people and Joe talks about how he began to notice his psychic medium abilities when he was child. When he was 12 years old he had a terrifying dream that predicted 9/11. This leads into a discussion of the nature of time. How could a person know an event is going to happen before it does? And what did Joe’s pre-teen friends think, when he predicted this tragic event?

This event, as well as other life events, lead Joe down the path of becoming a psychic medium. He met his spirit guides, got some pretty strong evidence from a dream and another psychic medium that this was the path for him. While he was never as skeptical as Liz, he still is pretty logical, and the evidence he got was impressive, 

Psychic mediums question their own abilities too.

Joe shares about how when he got older he hit a point where he wondered if any of this was even true. Was he just making all this up and delusional, but some highly evidential readings he gave, as well as some books where scientists have opened their minds to these inexplicable abilities, assured him that he was not just delusional. Some of the scientists that first opened Liz’s mind to the possibility that there really could be an afterlife, such as Drs. Jim Tucker and Ian Stevenson, and the fact that even Carl Sagan had to respect Dr. Ian Stevenson, helped reassure Joe.

The episode ends with Joe sharing an absolutely mind-blowing reading he gave to a woman whose mother had passed away. 

Complete Summary

Psychic Medium Joe Perreta is certified by scientists. 

Joe is a psychic medium, which means he talks to dead people. Yeah, I know how weird that sounds. And trust me, I thought that was a bunch of bullshit too until I started exploring myself. He's certified by the Forever Family Foundation. They are an organization I love. They, among many other things, test and certify mediums using science based protocols where mediums can't cheat, such as googling someone, or looking them up on social media. They also can't use any cold reading tactics. That's where the medium gives logical information based on how someone looks, or general information that applies to everyone. An example would be telling a middle aged women that they've lost a grandmother. Only something like 5% of the people who take the test pass. And Joe's one of them. He also participates in some amazing scientific research that's being conducted by major universities. Unfortunately, we aren't allowed to talk about that yet, until the data of the most recent study is released. But once it is, I will definitely have him back here to tell you guys about it. But today, we talk about how Joe predicted 9/11, and always questions his own abilities. We also talked about how he became a psychic medium in the first place, and much more. Overall, Joe is not only a friend, he's a shockingly normal guy, considering he defies the laws of the universe daily. So keep an open mind and learn about his inexplicable abilities.

Joe explains what it means to be a psychic medium and that he “connects you with that other part of reality that isn't as easily accessed.”

Where do we go when we die? Where is our consciousness?

Liz explains that Joe was one of the first people she met in this afterlife research world. She asks Joe, one thing she is still stuck on is where is that consciousness? Where physically is this consciousness of deceased people that he communicates with as a medium. Joe explains that maybe that isn’t the right question to ask. We can’t understand a world that is not physical and can’t understand a type of consciousness that is not attach to the physical, but that is not necessarily true. Maybe consciousness is everywhere rather than in a place - and while that sounds like something like an omnipresent God type thing, that is not what he means. He means something more sciencey than that. 

From all the psychic medium readings Joe has done, from scientific studies he has read, from philosophy, and his guides, “and just my own meditations and experiences myself with the paranormal, or the spiritual realm, whatever you want to call it, consciousness, it's very hard to really give it a physical place.”

Are we even asking the right questions?

Joe explains that he has seen his grandmother who has passed away standing in the kitchen she always stood in. But that doesn’t mean that we all live as physical beings after we pass. They prevent in that physical form just to interact with us, so we can see our loved ones and recognize them. 

Joe discusses Idealism, a philosophy that posits what if instead of everything being material, the opposite is true and everything is mind and matter stems from mind, not the other way around. But he is not sure what he thinks exactly. Some questions are unanswerable. And this doesn’t all make sense to him either. 

“But you know, there's still a lot of mysteries and things that kind of questions that. I don't know if that question is even answerable? Or maybe even the right question. You know, it's really hard. And Liz, I'm sure you've seen this but you can't ask the right questions about something you don't even really know about.”

Try to understand infinity or trillions of years before the Big Bang.

Liz questions that if we even have the mental capacity as humans to know what questions to ask about consciousness and life after death. Trying to understand this stuff is like trying to really understand infinity, or what about trillions of years before the Big Bang. 

Use a fake name when you get a reading with a medium.

But no matter what, Liz has seen Joe give accurate information about herself and other people that he could not have known. When he read Liz, not only did she use a fake name but took full protocols to make sure he could not google her. But he got information that was very personal, accurate, and not even Googleable. Liz wonders, do people usually give Joe a fake name when they book a reading

Joe says he’s really not sure, because he hasn't had people afterwards say ph actually that isn’t my name. But he also says of people just book under a first name, and give no other information, he couldn't google anything about them. Make up a new email to book, use a VPN. Liz does this when she gets readings and Joe actually got a medium reading the previous year, and he took all these precautions as well, even though he is a medium.

Both are skeptical of claims.

Liz and Joe discuss how they are both involved with the Forever Family Foundation. Liz as a volunteer and Joe as one of their certified mediums. They both love Forever Family Foundation’s dedication to taking a scientific approach to evidence of an afterlife and their science based protocols for testing if mediums are accurate and not using hot reading or cold reading. They talk about that one of the reasons they became good friends was their common skeptical and logical mindset. Along with the fact that they are two the younger people involved with Forever Family Foundation, so they are always up the latest and having fun late night during the events. But Joe questioned his own abilities, and neither just believe, they want evidence and facts.

A dream that predicted 9/11

Joe explains how he began to get psychic information as a child and how he realized he had abilities. He shares a dream he had we=hen he was 11 years old, a few days before 9/11 that essentially predicted it. He did not understand what it meant exactly, and that weekend he assumed it meant something bad would happen to his mother. He made her stay home for the weekend. Then that Tuesday when 9/11 occurred, he realized what it meant. He was understandably traumatized by the experience, and his mom and friends who had known the details of his dream were astounded.

The global consciousness project: If we predict future events, what does time mean?

The two discuss what time even means if we can know events happen before they do. Liz talks about Dr. Roger Nelson, and the Global Consciousness Project. To summarize, there are a group of random number generators (RNGs), which are essentially a digital version of a coin flip, in that overall you're going to get heads 50% of times and tails 50% of the time. The RNG’s use 1s and 0s instead of heads and tails. During experiments people would focus on these machines, trying to have them show 0’s over 1’s or vice versa. The experiments were successful and it showed that out consciousness can affect these machines! For the Global Consciousness Project. a bunch of RNG’s were placed around the world. In general, as the data comes in from these machines placed around the world, they get an equal amount of 1’s and 0’s. However, when huge world events happen, such as 9/11 the numbers and data start to behave more organized and non-randomly! As if having a global focus affects these machines. And what’s even crazier is this data starts to change to non-random BEFORE the events occur. Both think this is amazing and fascinating.

Becoming a psychic medium.

The two get back to discussing Joe learning he had psychic abilities as a kid and how they developed. He felt the 9/11 information was coming from somewhere else. Was being shown to him. He saw his grandmother after she passed away and it was very comforting, and helped him with his grief. But then as a teenager, he was scared and tried to push it away, because he would have dreams about bad things happening that then came true. He would pray to God (which he believed in at the time) to take this away, and it did go away for awhile, but he thinks he pushed it away himself. His abilities then evolved. Information didn’t come to him only in dreams.

When he grew up and graduated college, he had some highly evidential experiences that made him realize he really did have psychic medium abilities, and that this was what he was supposed to do. He had a dream where a “guide” came to him and helped him know. That might have been something he would have dismissed had he not gotten strong and evidential verification.

Skeptics and Psychics

Joe wants proof he has psychic abilities.

Joe explains that he kept getting information from guides, which was pretty shocking. When he got this information, it could be hard to tell what he was making up versus getting from guides, so he would write everything down and began to learn what getting different bits of information felt like to assess what was coming from him versus his guides. After reading a book, getting a message from a psychic medium during a reading, and then meeting another medium, the one who inspired him to apply for Forever Family Foundation, Kim Russo, Joe was confident he was on the right path.

Science and skepticism about mediumship and the paranormal.

Joe had never read all of the science and skeptical perceptions about mediumship and when he did he began to panic of he was making the whole thing up and self deluding. Liz explains that she had always been raised on science and always thought that if Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein didn’t believe something, then it wasn’t true.

Joe, who had never delved into what the skeptics such as Michael Shermer say, was terrified he was out of touch with reality and actually delusional. But at the same time he knew he was getting accurate information such as birthdates, the way people died, memories people shared with their loved ones while he was giving mediumship readings. He was unsure how to reconcile this, because he does respect science.

When mediums get accurate information:

Liz mentions she remembers talking a lot with Joe during this time, and he was always letting her know this amazing information he was getting, as he was trying to figure out how he was doing this when science was saying he wasn't. But Liz backs up he was getting really amazing information about people who had died. This was not general information one gives during cold reading.

Joe agrees and shares a really amazing message he got from a woman’s deceased mother that was verified. But he knew skeptics would insist this was all coincidence. He then shared a book that really helped him, The Flip by Jeffrey Kripal, PhD. In this book, Jeffrey Kripal who is an intelligent academic, shares “inexplicable” experiences that incredibly intelligent people have had that changed their world view, or at least made them reevaluate their skepticism. For example, even Marie Curie attended seances. Science minded people can be more open than they admit. Joe mentions physicist Claude Swanson, who has been researching afterlife evidence and he thinks there is something real to it. So he has come to realize very smart people are also open to an afterlife, mediumship, and other inexplicable phenomena.

Parapsychology is taboo.

Skeptics are not always objective.

Joe and Liz discuss how many skeptics and scientists, who are supposed to look at evidence completely objectively, don’t always. There are many who insist all of the evidence and data of paranormal and afterlife phenomena is nonsense, but they have never examined it. Yes, it is logical to assume that psychic abilities and an afterlife are nonsense. It makes logical sense that consciousness is created by a brain. But, when you start tp examine the evidence, have personal experiences, read the scientific studies about mediumship, there is definitely something going on. Both Liz and Joe are frustrated that psi research is scorned without being examined.

They discuss that many of the so-called neutral skeptics draw their conclusions essentially by the method of, “It can't be possible, so it's not.” Joe reminds Liz of an article in he thinks the Skeptical Inquirer, where the author was ripping apart a book or study. They essentially listed the reasons it was not true, but admitted they never actually read it.

Liz agrees that this is ridiculous. You shouldn't comment on things you haven’t read. I mean obviously there are exceptions, such as Donald Trump being a messiah or the earth flat, but if many people are presenting data or even sharing anecdotal personal experiences it is worth a look. There is after all over 100 years of valid scientific research in the field parapsychology.

Rupert Sheldrake: Banned TedTalk and Wikipedia.

The two discuss Rupert Sheldrake who is a biologist who has researched psi in animals. He gave a TedTalk about science’s discomfort with psi research titled Science Delusion which he gave at at TEDx Whitechapel, Jan 12, 2013. The theme for this TEDx was Visions for Transition: Challenging existing paradigms and redefining values (for a more beautiful world). This talk ended up banned and removed after he gave it after there were indignant protests by some skeptics. Liz and Joe discuss some about his research with animals and their intuition and psychic abilities, but also that along with TEDx, Wikipedia refused to refer to him as a biologist, despite his degree.

Both Liz and Joe agree science is valid and scientists are brilliant. But they have not given this data a fair look.

Past life memories and Carl Sagan.

Liz mentions that Carl Sagan actually gave credit to three areas of study in parapsychology. Not that he believed the results they were getting demonstrated psi abilities or anything paranormal, but he thought the methodology was serious and worthwhile, and that their results were worthy of further investigation. One of the three is people’s ability to use their minds to affect RNGs (Random Number Generators). Another is the research of the late Dr. Ian Stevenson, a child psychiatrist who methodically studied cases of kids with past life memories. Liz can’t remember the third, but likes that Carl Sagan was open to a deeper look. Liz definitely agrees there is a ton of nonsense and pseudo-science out there, but that does not mean there is not some genuine data and experiments coming in that are worthy of taking seriously. And at last being curious about.

Avoid the GOOP egg and other pseudo-science.

Both Liz and Joe agree there is a ton of nonsense out there about these paranormal topics. But just because of all the nonsense, that does not mean the genuine and quality research, such as the research Joe has participated in should be dismissed.

Joe: “And I think a lot of people need to know, there's like people who are really serious, who aren't woowoo and telling you to, like put this Yoni egg in and like run around and it's preventing cancer”

Liz: “There are some people who are kind of making a mockery of this very serious inexplicable stuff that keeps happening..”

They both continue with how important it is to take some of the valid consciousness studies seriously. And Liz mentions how she is sick of people who take such a “woo”approach making a mockery of the serious research being done.

A skeptical medium.

Joe and Liz talk further about how worried he was that he was imagining he had abilities. Was he just giving general information that could apply to anyone and he didn’t realize it. Liz explains how worried Joe was that he was unintentionally cold reading. And Liz lets him know that those were actually very logical and rational concerns to have. He should test and question his psychic medium abilities.

Liz talks about how Joe would text her with the amazing information he would get for people during his readings, and how Liz would confirm that that was definitely not general information. They talk about a time Joe got some amazing information for a woman whose mom had passed away. He knew a really amazing and pretty random detail that gave this woman amazing evidence that yes, her mom was really communicating with her.

The conversation continues in the next episode: Why Don’t Psychics Win the Lottery. Psychic Medium Joe Perreta - Part 2: Episode 2


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Why Don’t Psychics Win the Lottery. Psychic Medium Joe Perreta. Part 2: Episode 2


Introduction: WTF Just Happened?! Podcast on Grief and Evidence of an Afterlife.