WTF Just Happened?! Podcast

Conversations with experts in afterlife evidence, parapsychologists, psychic mediums and more…without the woo.

All about the afterlife. No woo.

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Evidential Mediumship and Near Death Experiences with Lynn Miller Psychic Medium Episode 37

Lynn Miller, a psychic medium and intuitive based in Malibu, talks about dreams she had as a child that came true and shocked her family, how she had an NDE (Near Death Experience), and after that she then got mediumship abilities. She suddenly knew names and information about people’s loved ones who had passed away.

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Psychic Mediums Liz Entin Psychic Mediums Liz Entin

Evidential Messages from the Other Side with Psychic Medium Deborah Freeman Episode 27

Psychic medium Deborah (Deb) Freeman “knew” things she could not have. She predicted her young and healthy dentist’s death. She got messages that turned out to be true - such as a message from a friend of her’s son who passed many years earlier. Deb never knew about him! her husband, who sadly died in 2015, astounded her and her family when he made sure to let them know he was still around.

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Psychic Mediums, Parapsychology Liz Entin Psychic Mediums, Parapsychology Liz Entin

Mariah Kunau, the Paranormal Concierge on Channeling, Mediumship + Afterlife Evidence Episode 20

Mariah Kunau, the Paranormal Concierge is a psychic medium, paranormal investigator who as in Netflix Surviving Death. How did she become a paranormal investigator? What was the most mind-blowing thing she encountered and what was the most profound? How can we communicate with our loved ones who have passed away ourselves?

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