The Psychic Firefighter Andrew Radziewicz on Mediumship, UFO’s + Psychics Solving Crimes Episode 24
From NYC firefighter to psychic medium - how did that happen? Andrew Radziewicz got a life-changing reading from a medium who gave shocking evidence. He then discovered he could do the same. From remarkably evidential medium readings to possible UFO sightings, enjoy this major WTF episode.
Horror Short Story Writer Who Has Encountered Some Genuine Paranormal with JC Bratton Episode 23
JC Bratton is a horror and thriller fiction writer. After the death of her dad and some pretty amazing “paranormal?” experiences does she still think of anything paranormal as scary? Does she think there is an afterlife?
Consciousness, Afterlife and the Brain- Philosophy with Matthew Riddle and Darren McEnaney Episode 22
A fun philosophical discussion about consciousness and an afterlife. You can be an atheist and think there is an afterlife. That consciousness is created from a brain and dies when we die, doesn't make more sense than our consciousness being downloaded by brain and continuing on after our death. When were the first humans? Enjoy this talk with Matt Riddle of Consciousness Matters and Darren McEnaney of Seeking I.
From Google to Psychic Medium and Animal Communicator Samantha Rosso Episode 21
How can we talk to our animals and understand what they need? What happens to our animals after they die? Animal psychic and communicator Sam Rosso explains how she went from her “normal” job at Google, to animal psychic.
Mariah Kunau, the Paranormal Concierge on Channeling, Mediumship + Afterlife Evidence Episode 20
Mariah Kunau, the Paranormal Concierge is a psychic medium, paranormal investigator who as in Netflix Surviving Death. How did she become a paranormal investigator? What was the most mind-blowing thing she encountered and what was the most profound? How can we communicate with our loved ones who have passed away ourselves?
Million Dollar Consciousness Challenge of Gilead Episode 19
WTF Just Happened?!'s Million Dollar Consciousness Challenge of Gilead contest. This is a contest where WTF Just Happened?! will offer one million dollars to anyone who can prove, through a scientific, peer reviewed study that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that consciousness is created in human beings at the moment of conception.
He Died and Came Back - Near Death Experience with Jacob Cooper, LCSW Episode 18
What happens when we die? Jacob Cooper, LCSW who died when he was a child and then was brought back, shares what he saw and experienced, the deceased loved ones he encountered, what it physically felt like, and why is is now convinced death is not the end.
Near Death Experiences - NDE's with Dr. Jan Holden Episode 17
Dr. Janice Holden has been researching NDE’s since the 1970’s and is an expert in the field. She shares aspects of the most evidential NDE’s she has encountered, why she doesn’t think they are hallucinations, do all people have a choice to die or come back, the way many people report during NDE’s and more.
Afterlife Evidence and a Logical Accountant. Author of "Your Soul Focus" Annette Marinaccio. Part 2: Episode 16
Annette Marinaccio shares more of the evidence of an afterlife that convinced her as a logical, left-brained accountant. From psychic medium readings, why our loved ones who have passed away have a perspective when we experience devastating things, Annette approaches this “out there” topic with grounded logic.
A left-brained accountant and afterlife evidence. Author of "Your Soul Focus" Annette Marinaccio. Part 1: Episode 15
What convinced a left-brained accountant that there was an afterlife? Annette encountered so much communication after the passing of her mother-in-law, from psychic medium readings to signs, that she had to learn wtf was going on? She became so convinced after years of learning about the afterlife evidence that she wrote a book.
The Blue Lady of The Moss Beach Distillery. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach. Part 2: Episode 14
The ghost of the Blue Lady at The Moss Beach Distillery gave information that no one knew which turned out to be true. What makes a good skeptic vs a pseudo skeptic, and why do scientists dismiss parapsychology if the evidence really is so strong.
Lois the Ghost and Evidence of an Afterlife. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach. Part 1: Episode 13
Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach, who has been in the field for over 40 years shares a case about a ghost that has no normal explanation, a time he got proof he went out of body, why real skeptics don’t dismiss this evidence, and psychics who work with the police.
How Did Dusten Know He was a Medium? Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers. Part 2: Episode 12 (IG Live)
How did psychic medium Dusten Lyvers realize he had abilities? Did he always know he was a medium?
Do People Who Were Cruel Apologize After They Die? Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers. Part 1: Episode 11 (IG Live)
Do people who were cruel feel bad and apologize for how they acted after they die? Psychic Medium Dusten Lyvers shares what he learned from people who had been terrible.
Do Mediums “Become” Our Loved Ones During Readings? Psychic Medium Rebecca Anne LoCicero. Part 2: Episode 10 (IG Live)
What is the difference between physical mediumship and mental mediumship and can mediums actually "become" your loved one during a reading? Psychic Medium Rebecca Anne LoCicero answers questions about mediumship.
Psychic Medium Rebecca Anne LoCicero Answers the Hard Questions. Part 1: Episode 9 (IG Live)
Psychic Medium Rebecca Anne LoCicero is up to the challenge of proving to the skeptics she is genuine. She will do her best to answer any question. She even once punched someone to prove her abilities are genuine, and that person was very grateful.
The Evidence that Convinced Two Skeptics There is an Afterlife. Darren McEnaney of Seeking I. Part 2: Episode 8
What convinced two science-minded skeptics that there is life after death. Liz and Darren discuss Near Death Experiences, misconceptions about skeptics and mediums, and how our brain plays tricks on us.
What Convinced Two Skeptics that There is an Afterlife? - Darren McEnaney of Seeking I. Part 1: Episode 7
What evidence was strong enough to convince skeptic Darren McEnaney that there is an afterlife? Liz and Darren discuss why they became convinced them there is something more after we die.
Did Michell Have an NDE (Near Death Experience) as a Baby? The Spiritual Witch Michell Little. Part 2: Episode 6
Michell died when she was a baby for three minutes and always wonders if she had an NDE, since she has so many traits of those who have had one. Her crystal pendulum always seems to know the answers to her questions. Is there evidence of that?
Should We Hex Donald Trump? The Spiritual Witch Michell Little. Part 1: Episode 5
Should we Hex Donald Trump? Has he done good in ways we don’t realize? Can it be harmful to cast good spells on friends? Listen to this episode to hear these questions and more about Wicca discussed.